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Who we are and what we stand for
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Our Founder Story

Helping people the beginning of niinii

My Local Maid started from the suffering and misery of the people of Terengganu in early 2017. In early 2017, PETRONAS decided to relocate part of their operations to Pengerang in Johor. The relocation has caused in the blink of an eye, thousands of Terengganu residents who work either directly or indirectly dependent on PETRONAS to experience hardship. This is more impressive to the residents around Kertah, Paka and Dungun. At the same time, the Founder of My Local Maid, Mr Wan Roslan Wan Othman, at that time had undergone a phase of change in his life. He has been diagnosed with several diseases, among them diabetes, arthritis, leaky kidneys and even obesity.

See Company Profile


Our company is registered with the Malaysian Ministry of Human Resources and recognized with a class A license by the Malaysian Department of Labor.

Our Building

Located in Dungun, Terengganu

Organizational Chart

Core Value niinii

Industry Expert

1. We strive to become the leader & Industry expert in our field.

2. We become industry expert by sharing & learning from others.

3. We dynamicaly innovate our services to benefit clients.


1.We inspire, educate and add value to others.

2.We create economic empowerment opportunities to clients

3.We instill believe for client to succeed and create meaningful life.


1. We create industry experts that are leaders in our field.

2. We nurture, train and educate to build leaders from within.

3. We create industry leaders that are giving benefit to clients.

Result oriented

1. We are committed and consistent to produce proven results.

2. We strive to build respect, confidence and trust to benefit our client.


1. We uphold descipline, commitment, respect, truthfulness & honour.

2. We steadfast in the face of challenge and resourcefulness in solving problem.

3. We strive to achieve excellence for our client & in everything that we do.

Our Product

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